(x2) - Studio
๑๑:๒๑:๑๗.๘๒๕ cloud_4588504384.Encouragement.Core.MainPlugin:64: setState cannot be used in the render method.
render must be a pure function that only depends on props and state.
Check the definition of render in the component "MainPlugin". - Edit
๑๑:๒๑:๑๗.๘๒๕ Stack Begin - Studio
๑๑:๒๑:๑๗.๘๒๕ Script 'cloud_4588504384.Encouragement.Libs.Roact.Component', Line 116 - function setState - Studio
๑๑:๒๑:๑๗.๘๒๖ Script 'cloud_4588504384.Encouragement.Core.MainPlugin', Line 64 - Studio
๑๑:๒๑:๑๗.๘๒๖ Stack End - Studio